Power & Control:Types of Power

It’s addictive… seductive. It can relieve the suffering caused by doubt and the unknown by increasing control of almost any situation - Power. It’s sexy. Having its own swagger, creating confidence it influence can make anyone a slave to it.

Types of Power

It’s the ground work to manipulation, influence and control. Power is a major motivational factor in the why we tend to do what we are told.

Positions of Authority 

One of the things the Milligram study taught us is that many people will follow the instructions of those in authority without question and even if it would do physical harm to another human being.


Knowledge is power; even more so Information is power. Information is data and data is intelligence. This intelligence is used to make decisions. This increases the chance of success.

Knowledge (Expert)

It’s amazing to me how we tend to trust and follow “experts” without question. Absolute knowledge is impossible so every expert is capable of being wrong. However, we tend to believe what they say without any questions.

Network (who you know)

It’s not what you know… it’s who you know. Like it or not it is true. A key to acts of goodness or evil are alliances.

Character (Charm, personality)

Influence, persuasion sometimes comes down to charm and charisma.

Job (CEO, The Boss)

Some jobs just come with power.  Big budgets, the management of a number of people all contributes to overall influence and control.